Sonolência Observadora
quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2023
How would you act?
What would you ask?
How would you feel?
And how could that be possibly real
If the self is something else beyond the perception we have about ourselves?
Would I see you as you do,
Or would I perceive you as you are?
Would I understand you as you do
Or would I be biased about you as we all are about ourselves?
Espelho, espelho meu
Quem eu vejo realmente sou eu?
quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2023
sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2023
Esses amigos que a gente conquista sem perceber
Esses momentos que desaparecem no turbilhão do dias...
Encolher frente à imensidão,
Se realizar nos pequenos detalhes,
Pequenas chaves que abrem novas moradias...
Aprender a habitar cada dia.
sábado, 11 de junho de 2022
It's not our experiences the source of our "identity", is it? (The "who we are" thing. Deeply. That inner concept of "being", of "self", or whatever is the correctly or better way to say it... So hard to talk about, it seems). It's what we have chosen to become with those experiences.
Does it make difference to pass through a huge amount of situiations if we don't grow with it? If we don't think about it, we will be changed by either way, possibly without our perception of it. But if we thinkabout it, if we have the courage to look into ourselves, we will choose the path. We can choose, at some level -the direction of who we want to become.
Who am I going to be?
Am I paying attention to myself?
What am I connected to?
After getting something I suddenly I search for it a little bit deeper... So fast, if I could put into words as fast as it happens it would be like a short documentary. Lots of... Thoughts.
Such as: why am I connected to this? How did I get at this point? And, ahm, the most important doubts about myself: Do I want to keep these connections? Do I want to change it, to improve it, to let it go? Which is, itself, a inner dialogue about being able to connect past, present and future 'selfs' from the bigger picture "myself". Also, this is an attempt to actualy choose who I want to become. Connecting to myself to build another self.
I guess was something like that...
domingo, 10 de outubro de 2021
que desfoca... o tempo.
Uma confusão com o que se é
Por que, afinal, o que somos
se não um infinito presente?
Aí tem essa tensão.
Um descompasso...
A sensação de angústia,
um instinto de renúncia
Dessa repetição exaustiva.
Aquela aflição,
que se infiltra nos detalhes de cada dia...
Basta um pequeno deslize.
Uma desatenção
E já começou... de novo
O axioma do porvir
No desagrado de sentir
Que ainda é hoje
E sempre vai ser.
sexta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2021
De dilatação do tempo...
Saudade de saber
Que compartilhei um momento
Onde a percepção mudou;
Afinal, nunca foi
O tempo
Que dilatou...
Sempre foi essa paixão,
Um tipo de conexão
Que só acontece
Quando te sinto
Dentro de mim.